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The Restroom...

It takes a community to provide rest



To have a soft life is consciously accepting to choose calm over chaos and cultivating a softness that sits happily in the mind body. It’s not easy but a soft life is not indulgent it’s a matter of self preservation.


Creating this life that softens the heart in order to be present with life is very necessary.  When Ati was little her mum used to say ‘Araam Kur’ meaning ‘Go to Rest’. 


Ati & Emily want to invite you to The Restroom; a series of heart focused gatherings which include massaging the senses to open the heart for integrating mind and body.​

When:   Thursday 27th February

     7.30pm - 9pm


Venue:  The Spike, Guildford GU1 3JH 


Includes:  Restorative yoga

                 Guided self face massage

                 Soundscape with Cello & more

  Tea & heartful, homemade edible treat


Candlelit Restorative Yoga

& Live Music Meditation

Sun 23rd March 2025

2.30 - 4.30pm

Vayu Yoga


Music by Emily played on the Cello, with voice and ambient backings.  Music is interwoven through the practice to support an immersive state of meditation.  People tell me that this experience resonates through their whole being, creating a state of wonder and bliss!  


Soften into Summer

Sun 1st June 2025

 1.30 - 5.00pm

Fintry Studio, Godalming

Perhaps spending a whole day on retreat is inaccessible for you....

Join me for a deeply nourishing afternoon of yoga, mindfulness and immersive live music meditation at the beautiful, peaceful studio at Fintry.  We will also have access to the Cloister Garden.

Includes light afternoon refreshments, all props provided, you may wish to bring your own mat & eye pillow.

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Midwinter Mini Retreat

Sun 2nd Feb 2025

 1.30 - 4.30pm

Fintry Studio, Godalming

Perhaps spending a whole day on retreat is inaccessible for you....

Join me for a deeply nourishing afternoon of yoga, mindfulness and immersive live music meditation at the beautiful studio sanctuary of Fintry, Godalming.

Weather permitting, we will have access to the Cloister Garden.

Includes light afternoon refreshments, all props provided, you may wish to bring your own mat & eye pillow.

Frosted trees

Tristana Christmas Pretreat Day

Sun 15th Dec 9.30am - 4.30pm

Soulspace Barn, Colemore GU34 3PX

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We are so excited to return with our yuletide seasonal retreat for the soul.

A uniquely beautiful full day of movement, live music and meditation, set in the peaceful SoulSpace Barn....​​

  • Three experienced teachers for the whole day to offer adjustments (optional), expertise and hold space for you to fully drop into presence

  • Vinyasa flow to energise and find greater freedom in your body

  • Workshop to explore deeper layers of asana/movement practices

  • Breathwork to energise and restore

  • Guided meditation interspersed with live music played on cello, and more, will deepen your experience of immersion, rest and relaxation.

  • Lunch, nourishing snacks & drinks included​

Tickets:  £160pp 


Please bring a mat. Bringing your own blanket/cushion and warm layers will increase your feeling of relaxation and warmth during meditation.  You may wish to bring an eye pillow/sleeping mask.  We will have some available to purchase.

Past Events....

We raised $198 for
in June 2020
Thank you x

We raised £90 for
GUILDFORD HOMESTART with our class on
22nd DECEMBER 2020  
Thank you x

We raised £125 for
Ukrainien Refugee Support in April 2022
Thank you x

Bisley Yoga Yurt

Fri 2nd Dec 7.00pm

Join Jess and I as  we  collaborate in offering a beautiful pairing of Yin Yoga and the resonant sound of the cello. We look forward to supporting your journey to balance the self through energy centre cleansing with live music and mantra. 


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Sat 10th December 

2.00 - 4.00pm

St Mary's Church, Shalford

So excited to share our festive gathering (Sangha) of gentle

& energy restoring yoga practise, mediation and live music xxx


Loved running another beautiful retreat

WEDS 22nd MARCH 7.15pm - 8.15pm, The Spike Guildford

Join Amelia & Emily in a beautiful relaxing yet inspiring class to ignite your dreams and celebrate the growing energy as we move into Spring!
Gentle movement, guided meditation and intention settings, closing sound meditation with Emily's Cello

  ZOOM £10

TUES 21st DEC 7.00PM - 8.30PM
St. John's Centre, GU4 7AA

Gentle yoga, guided meditation to beautiful live music....
£25 including seasonal refreshments
£10 Zoom In




Gentle movement, followed by beautiful arrangements of traditional winter songs, interwoven with meditations by Katherine, poetry and original music from Emily & Erika, using Cello, Piano, Voice and Ambient warm sounds ... we can't wait to share it with you!


Guided Meditation to welcome 2022


Monday 3rd January


Via Zoom


A gift from me to you for 2022!
There is no charge, but please book in via the button below

or just email me

Flowing from the Heart


with Emily Young & Katherine Jantzen

Friday 15th May 2020

Merrow Hall

222 Epsom Road GU4 7AA

7.30 - 9.30pm


In this beautiful yoga class, we guide you through gently flowing movement, mudra & pranayama, into restorative postures, into stillness and bliss. 


The whole practice will be interwoven with live music and mantra to kindle loving kindness.  


Original music composed and performed by

Emily & Katherine, using Cello, Guitar, Voices and prerecorded backing for a richer palette of sound.


After the 90 min class, we invite you to linger for tea and chocolate x


£20 pp, please bring a mat if you have one

All other props provided

Click below to BOOK

Summer Solstice Workshop


Saturday 20th June 2020

12.30 - 2.30pm

Havering College

Booking through:

On the eve of a new moon and on the summer solstice,  Emily will guide you through a fluid & cooling  movement practise – including Chandra Namaskar (moon salutation sequence), forward folds, and soft backbends to encourage opening of the heart centre and fluid movement through the spine.  We will use pranayama (breathing techniques) that encourage cooling, as well diffusing essential oils for summer.


Emily will include poems, guided meditations, live music & mantra all themed around this unique conjunction of the dark new moon and peak of summer light

DISCLAIMER: As with any exercise program, please consult with a medical practitioner/GP before commencing activity. Stop immediately and seek medical advice if you experience any discomfort or pain. Please ensure your movement space is clear and clutter free to avoid potential injury. By taking part in this activity, you do so at your own risk and take full personal responsibility for any resulting injury or illness.

Booking terms: All events are non refundable, you may transfer your place to a friend by emailing.  Classes may be trnasferred with 48hrs notice, subject to availability

©2022 by Young at Heart Yoga.

Photography by Emily Walker. Film & Photography by Hester Barnes.

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